thank You for the dream of him

susy dodson
4 min readDec 19, 2016

Funny how moments impact our lives. Surprised with a visit from my son this weekend — remarkable. Dinner with my daughter to celebrate her birthday — amazing. Laughing with my mom — healing. Missing my dad — hurting less. Hmmmmm…

I remember when I became single the second time. I remember thinking, believing I’ll be married sooner than later. I couldn’t get how people could be single for longer than a year or two max. It was unfathomable to me. Seriously. I liked being married, in a relationship. Okay, so I kind of didn’t really understand what a healthy marriage looked like, but I had a concept of it — at least in my imagination.

So now, 15 plus years later… hehehe :)

What’s so cool about these past couple of weeks and past 15 years— I have met some incredible people with moments of clarity, moments of intensity, moments of raw honesty, moments of laughter, moments of insight. What a gift. God loves me! Not sure I would have met a lot of these people as a married person. You know? But it’s really not about being married or being single. It’s more about living. Living with open arms to life. To the people around us. Who we become or allow ourselves to be.

So — there’s him. Who is he? He’s this person who is sometimes bigger than life. A hero of magnificent proportions. He’s totally handsome to me. Wonderfully a man of intensity, strength, and courage. A man filled with love and grace. Chosen in his own way to change the world. Someone who loves with a passion. Who creates his life…



susy dodson

Part of the conversation, sharing the conversation, & hopefully learning more about our world in the process.